Becky Ayers

Becky Ayers

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Timeless Authoring

At age 50, I decided to start my writing career. Being born in 1959, I was brought up reading all the classics that most people have read including Moby Dick, Tom Sawyer, Little Women and so on. I often think back to that time when life seemed, to me anyway, a much easier life. Although life has always had it's rude awakenings, looking back at when I was young, books were written, generally, for most to understand and enjoy. I have found as I have aged that although many writers adhere to a more classic approach that is tasteful to any reader, there are many that are written, with purpose, to only a small group of people who would either understand it due to their own likeness of the story, or like it because it is true to today's society.

While I totally understand that society changes and hence language changes heralding in new slang that is familiar to the new generations, I find it more comforting to pick up a book that is written in a way that most people would readily understand and enjoy. I have a passion for classics. Stories of adventure that whisk my mind off to far away places and engulf my imagination, or stories of hardships, trials and tribulations that make me feel what the author was conveying. There was a simplicity back then that is looked over in books today. A symbiotic understanding that was conveyed via writing.

There have been many books I have noticed using slang or bad grammar that is acceptable today, but often makes it difficult for the older generations to truly feel what the writer is saying. This is the reason I have chosen to stick with the more classic, or better yet old fashioned writing that most can easily understand and envision. Although, yes, the world, our society and language is indeed changing, there is a lot to be said for the way timeless classics are written.